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After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

Rest Easy With Adtran ProCloud Managed Wi-Fi Service

by Picture of John Ciarlone John Ciarlone on November 12, 2013

For someone who's responsible for overseeing or managing a business's telecommunications Adtran ProCloudsystems, what's the most important thing in the world to them?

I'd say it's time.

Network management has become steadily more complex, especially as unified communications systems start to unite telephony and networking into a single system. These days, an IT director isn't simply overseeing the network. They're also responsible for the telephones, web hosting, off-site data backups, systems security, and more.

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Is it any wonder so many of our clients come to us hoping we can find ways to reduce their workload?

Well, thanks to ADTRAN, there's a new option on the market which may leave plenty of IT Directors looking for new ways to spend their time: ProCloud managed WiFi services. Through, this service, you can move virtually all of your day-to-day Wi-Fi network operations offsite, putting them in the hands of networking experts who've dedicated themselves to bringing advanced technology to smaller businesses.

adtran netvanta 1531pProCloud: The One-Stop Wi-Fi Service Solution

At its most basic, Pro Cloud brings you high-quality Wi-Fi service backed by technical support that's among the best in the industry. ADTRAN provides the pipeline straight to your Netvanta router and BlueSocket wireless access points, giving your business all the bandwidth you need for even the most demanding Internet applications.

If necessary, this can be combined with their ProStart service so that installation is handled as well, ensuring everything functions smoothly.

In fact, ADTRAN is so certain that their network is robust and stable that they're willing to guarantee 99.99% uptime – that's as good as any service provider can ever promise. Their size and scope means they can afford the redundant systems necessary to ensure this sort of always-on access, which many smaller Internet service providers can't match.

However, you get far more than just basic access. ADTRAN also takes over your day-to-day operations, remotely monitoring and controlling your network, 24x7x365. If there are any problems with your Internet service, you're notified immediately, even as ADTRAN gets to work fixing the problem. When needed, on-site tech support or hardware replacement is available within an hour or two, at any time of day or night.

Software updates are handled automatically and invisibly, generally during after-hours. Most of the time, you won't even be aware that an upgrade occurred!

Security is standardized as well, ensuring totally even security policies across your network. Any potentially unauthorized intrusions are reported, even as ADTRAN's own AOS operating system works to keep intruders out.

Then at the end of every month, you'll get a full report on your network, any irregularities, and any actions that ADTRAN has taken. You'll always know exactly where your money is going. If you ever decide that your resources are better allocated elsewhere, it's simple to migrate back to in-house support. You can stop using Pro Cloud at any time without any ongoing Adtran ProCloud wificommitments.

With all this taken care of, you might actually have time to do some real work!

The Simplest Networking Solution On The Market

ADTRAN has spent years looking for ways to make modern networking more simple, even as the systems controlling it become more complex. Through ProCloud, this attitude is practically perfected. You get high-speed business-quality Internet service and full offsite management, usually for less than it would cost to hire even a single certified networking expert.

With ProCloud, you're buying peace of mind.  But more importantly, you're buying more time. How you decide to spend all that newfound free time is, of course, entirely up to you. (But feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below!)

And in the meantime, if ProCloud sounds like it's just what your business needs to quickly upgrade your systems to the new global standard, all you need to do is drop us a line and tell us where you want your communications to take you!


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Topics: Adtran, Wireless

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