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The Growing Companies Guide To Buying A New Phone System

Written by John Ciarlone | Mar 27, 2014 1:00:00 PM

As a growing company, you need to make sure that you're staying within budget but are still able to grow and expand. This can be a difficult juggling act, especially when you consider all of the necessities that a business needs in order to properly function everyday. There's the fleet of computers, software, and of course the coffee machine. But there is another very important part for your day to day business challenges and that's  reliable small business phone systems.

VoIP, data, and communications are integral for a fully functioning business. Sure, you can send out emails, but what about conference calls? Your sales staff? And if you're working on computers all day, you're certainly going to need the proper hardware for networking (and no, not the Facebook kind of networking!).

Fortunately there are a few tricks that a growing company can use in order to have reliable, fast, and cheap new phone systems and all of it is outlined below in this guide to communications hardware for new or growing companies.

New Small Business Phone Systems Checklist

You more than likely already have a system set in place, which is all well and good depending on the size of your company. When you're looking to expand, it is only natural to want to update your infrastructure. Older phone systems can become obsolete or smaller phone systems might lag or won't be able to support the types of incoming and out coming communications everyday.

Here's a preliminary checklist that you should go through when considering updating your phone systems:

  • First, knowing the size you want to upgrade to. A growing company needs to be able to make goals and benchmarks in the future that the business can successfully accomplish, including infrastructure. Ideally, you will want a system that your company can easily grow into while providing enough room for even more growth in the further future.

  • Budgeting is another important aspect. What can you budget in? There are different phone systems out there that are perfect for small businesses looking to grow because they're inexpensive while still being high quality and have solid warranties to boot.

  • Features can make or break a phone system. What kinds of features are a top priority for your business? Create a shortlist and shop around for hardware that can support at least a couple core features on your list.

Different Types of Phone Systems
Maybe you already know what you want in terms of features and price point but don't know which model or type of system is best for your growing company. No problem, here's a run down of some of the most popular brands in the industry along with some key information about each one to help you.

  • Cisco Meraki has some of the most advanced VoIP phone systems available. The MC74 is the flagship phone in the Meraki Communications line and delivers a robust number of features, a sleek design, and ease of management.  
  • Most Polycom phone models are perfect for growing companies because of their fair price point and robust features.
  • Other brands that can be looked into are from Cisco phones, most known for their networking hardware. They also have equipment that can be beneficial for growing companies looking for brand new phone systems.

Finally, when you're ready to purchase a new system, your installation technician will need to know the phone systems initial layout and they can even answer any questions you might have that weren't addressed before. All in all, getting a new phone system for your growing company can be painless and inexpensive with the right resources and knowing some of the tricks involved to get the best deal.

Have any questions regarding small business phone systems? Contact us we'll be happy to walk you through your options to select the best system for your company.