This modular access router has several features and specifications, which influence its performance. When looking to make a purchase, you will definitely have to look at the features. This determines if the router will perform the tasks that you want to your satisfaction. This will guide you into making a purchase and are part of what makes this router a good purchase. Such attractive features that make this router a good buy are such as
Denial of Service (Dos) Firewall protection
Network Interface Translation (NAT) support for concealment of IP addresses
Reverse NAT support
DHCP support
NAPT support
Network Interface Module (NIM) that is interchangeable
PPP dial backup
VLAN trunking for VLAN routing
Desktop chassis
Remote management Analog Modem Module
CSU and DSU protect circuit
The performance and benefits of the ADTRAN NetVanta 3200
The above features determine the performance, which in turn brings about benefits of using this router.
Allows for expansion - Due to its low-cost nature and access router platform, the NetVanta 3200 offers a chance for the growth of networks as well as future expansions.
It is cost-effective - It helps in elimination of the costs that are for use in the re-learn of new systems as well as that of industry certificates. This is because of the nearly identical sequence of commands that configure similar devices.
Backup and recovery - The CLI allows the download, saving and use of configuration scripts that create easy and quick backups. This is a form of recovery mechanism.
Stateful inspection firewall - This is one that is high performance and powerful.
IP Address management - The conservation and concealment of the IP addresses is possible by use of the NAT/NAPT.
Reliability - The ADTRAN NetVanta 3200 router is quite reliable and dependable. This is because there is availability of equipment that increases the performance of the network while making sure to lower the costs.
Accurate and fast - With the support of both default and static routes by the ADTRAN OS, the network convergence is usually very fast and accurate. This is especially due to use of RIP and OSPF routing protocols.
Compatibility with other routers - The NetVanta 3200 supports five VPN tunnels. This is also in line with the support of encryption algorithms like AES, DES and 3 DES. This upgrade means it is compatible with other ADTRAN routers of a different series, thus increasing network connectivity.
Generally, the specifications and features will determine your choice of purchase as well as the performance of the ADTRAN NetVanta 3200 access router. The performance is because of the functional features and it is from this that you get your benefits. This is what makes the NetVanta 3200 a good purchase in that it is a high performance and cost-effective router.